Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Official

Well, after many, many days of discussion, our sweet baby girl has a name. I thought it only appropriate that big sister Lauren gets to tell my faithful blog readers the winner.

Thanks to all who participated in my little blog poll. Your input helped :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Round Two....Another Girl!

After a trip to the ultrasound tech on Monday, it is officially confirmed that baby number two is a GIRL! I was only slightly surprised, since 6 of the last pregnant women either at church or who have gone to church with us are having boys, I knew the odds were in our favor for another girl. At this point, my sister-in-law is the only other pregnant person I know having a girl. And, after pulling out Lauren's old ultrasound pictures. I am 100% sure that this baby is most definately a girl too.

I really thought at the beginning that this baby would be a boy, but when everyone else's ultrasounds started coming back boy, I realized quickly that I was probably wrong, and after a few minutes on Monday of a little mind shifting, I am thrilled at the idea of having another little girl.

And rest assured, those of you who know me well (which I'm assuming is all of you reading if you're actually taking the time to visit my blog), this baby will also be able to call the hogs, sing "Take me out to the Ballgame", and enjoy watching March Madness as much as her big sister does! After all, this baby's due date is in March!

I have watched Lauren so many times over the last few days now, and I am so thankful that God in His infinite wisdom has chosen us to raise 2 precious girls to be daughters of His. I have such a close relationship with my mother, and I only pray that I will have the same kind of relationship with my girls. Poor Jeremy is outnumbered now, but I don't think he'd have it any other way. I'm sure that both of these girls will turn out to be tomboys, and I'm perfectly ok with fact, it's pretty much what I'm expecting. Especially because both of them are surrounded by boys to be friends with!

The next big step now is deciding on names, so here's where you come in. If you don't mind after reading our choices, just leave a comment letting us know which name is your favorite. With Lauren, her first name was already picked out, we only had to decide on a middle name which wasn't too hard. Had we had a boy, his name would have been Jackson James, but we're kind of stuck on another girl name.

Here are the choices:

My top pick is Caroline Grace. I also like Jillian Caroline if we wanted to stick with our names starting with the same letters, (Jeremy, Leanne, Lauren, Jillian) but I'm not set on doing that - it's just a thought. Caroline is still my fave.

Jeremy likes Claudia because that was his grandmother's name. It's not my favorite partially because of its meaning, but considering the other grandmother names we have to choose from (Dorothy, Louise, and Irene) it's probably the least older sounding name.

Anyway, any preferences?

Here's a profile of baby #2. We don't have a scanner anymore, so I had to take a picture of this picture. Hopefully, you can at least see a pretty good profile of her. I think she has an adorable nose!

Our sweet Halloween ghost!

Trick-or-treating at our friend's house!

Lauren had a great halloween, but I really think she loved being at home to hand out candy to other trick or treaters as much as she did actually trick or treating